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250 L6 Verado – smooth, quiet and powerful.
15.2.2020 18:33 | Nabídka | Stroje
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250 L6 Verado – smooth, quiet and powerful.
Mercury Verado is the pinnacle of superior outboard design and performance. Created to power the largest boats for the boldest adventures, Verado delivers advanced engineering and refined operation to boat owners who don’t compromise; every feature is designed to deliver the ultimate on-water experience, greatest confidence and supreme comfort.
Contact for Purchase.
Whatsapp: +77763556690
Email: motocentroltd@gmail.com
Website: www.motocentroltd.com
Contact Person: Youssef Tarkis
Kontaktní informace
Jméno: motocentroltd
Lokalita: Karlovarský kraj (Karlovy)
E-mail: motocentroltd@gmail.com
Typ inzerátu: nabídka
Cena: 190 000 Kč
Zobrazeno: 144x
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