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Apple iPhone and Samsung with www.rbtelects.com

20.1.2020 12:41 | Nabídka | Mobily

Popis inzerátu

Apple iPhone and Samsung with www.rbtelects.com - The phone is new - The phone is original and free for all network worldwide - It comes with warranty from the manufacturer - The phone is sealed in the box with all manual and accessories newly intact in the box - Invoice and traceable shipping We have in stock the new Apple iPhone,Apple Macbook,Apple iPad Air,Samsung,Sony ,other phones and laptops . We offer discount on bulk purchase  and we have other phone in stock EMAIL:  sales@rbtelects.com contact : rbtelect@gmail.com Website:  https://www.rbtelects.com

Kontaktní informace

Jméno: rbtelect
Lokalita: Praha (Praha)
E-mail: rbtelect@gmail.com
Typ inzerátu: nabídka
Cena: 400 Kč
Zobrazeno: 132x

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