iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max, Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, Samsung S25, iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, Samsung S24, Sony PS5 and others
We sell to retailers and individuals. All the products are original, brand new, with warranty, compatible with all networks worldwide.
Promotional offer: FREE SHIPPING. Shipment is within the EU, so no extra fees are required, no taxes, no customs fees.
We accept XOOM, Bank Transfer ( IBAN), WISE, REVOLUT, REMITLY and others.
contact us WHATSAPP: 00447982722875
EMAIL: phonesvenz@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +44 7982 722875
Kontaktní informace
Jméno: phonesvenz
Lokalita: Liberecký kraj (liberecky)
E-mail: phonesvenz@gmail.com
Typ inzerátu: nabídka
Cena: 1 000 Kč
Zobrazeno: 5x